If you have never taken steps to improve your financial position, below is a simple list of things you can do. Why not try to commit to completing one per month?
The Big Picture
Decide that you are on your own finance journey, and comparing is pointless – you have your own things to learn.
Accept any past finance-related mistakes you’ve made in the past – as of today, you are a different person.
Commit to creating a new version of yourself. Design what they look like, what they do, and what are they proud of.
Create a big vision. Design a vision board (it’s a great hack!). To have to see it to believe it.
Identify the gaps between where you want to be and where you are now. What needs to be addressed?
Clarify the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Break the big picture down into steps.
Audit the information you receive. Think about the environments you are often in, the people you are with, and the music you listen to. Does this support your vision?
Audit your financial life. Compare where you desire to be financially to where you are now.
Review your money management. How do you track spending and make financial decisions?
Review your money habits. Are you impulsive? Are you a hoarder? Do you ignore your bank account completely?

Into The Detail
Review your pension. Have you consolidated them? Are you regularly contributing?
Review your savings position. Do you have several months of expenses saved?
Review your debt position. Have you optimised and ensured you are paying the least interest possible? Is your credit profile correct and well-managed?
Review your retirement plans. Have you thought about how you will fund your life in future years? Consider your pension, property, and business plans.
Create a finance budget, and get clear on how much you make and spend. Honesty is required here, use past bank transactions to show you the truth.
Consider downloading a budgeting app such as Moneydashboard to automatically pull in your financial transactions for you.
Build out a financial plan that maps out the steps that will see you achieve the goals you detailed above.
Get a finance coach or expert to help you if you are overwhelmed or struggling. You are not expected to know how to do everything. The power is in being able to seek support.
Start a new habit of reviewing your finances every week or month. Check the balance, spending activity, progress towards your goals, and how you feel about your finances.
Reinforce your new habit by ensuring you include a reward, repetition, and a reminder.

Bring a friend. You achieve better results when you start to build a new habit with someone else. Consider creating money days once a month.
Celebrate your milestones, such as saving 10%, 20%, and 50% of your financial goals.
Know that you are a BOSS. Keep going.
If the above is very unfamiliar, you may enjoy starting this exercise using our 6-Part Financial Overview activity. Click the link below to download a copy.
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This article is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Mind Over Money assists you in making better economic choices, improving your wealth, and building financial confidence. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.